Friday, July 1, 2011

Prada Inspired DIY Journal

I have a major obsession with stripes and while it's usually limited to the nautical kind, I went crazy when I first saw the now infamous tangerine and magenta striped Prada dress (shown here) on Hailee Steinfeld and again on Amanda Sayfried on the April cover of ELLE magazine. So you can imagine my excitement when I stumbled across this amazing fabric in Walmart for about $7. 50 a yard ( I almost screamed in the aisle!). Once I calmed down I promptly went to the service desk and bought a half a yard for this project. Lets begin!

Here are the supplies you will need:
  - Journal
  - Scissors
  - Fabric
  - Glue

1. Fold the fabric around the journal you've chosen and cut an appropriate amount

    2. Wrap the fabric around the journal and tape the edges to the inside. Be sure to leave some slack so the book can close and not pull the fabric.

    3. Remove the tape and glue the edges to the inside of journal. Be sure to spread the glue evenly on the surface so that you don't get any lumps in the fabric.

    4. Once the glue has dried pull out the excess fabric from the inside top and bottom corners and trim the edges.

    5. Place a dot of glue in the middle of the trimmed fabric and fold the fabric down into the spine of the journal.

    The finished product

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    1. uh, I would like to do it as perfect as you

    2. You can do it just find a fab fabric and follow the steps! It was so easy
